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by KEB
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The 09F5C1BLA0A, manufactured by KEB, is a high-performance COMBIVERT drive inverter. It combines user-friendliness and real-time performance status displayed on an interface screen. The unit auto-adjusts its frequency to protect the connected motor from overheating, maintaining maximum voltage output. Under low-speed operations, it reduces the stator resistance voltage while ensuring torque is not compromised. The drive inverter takes proactive measures to safeguard itself from overcurrent during acceleration, adjusting the frequency instead of switching off. It is constructed with an IGBT power circuit and adheres to the international IEC1000 standards. The unit is fortified against interferences, short circuits, over-voltages, over-currents, and extreme temperatures. Easy to install, it's recommended for vertical installation up to a maximum height of 2000 meters, while observing a 1% power decrease per 100 meters above 1000 meters. The power and control cables should be laid out separately with a minimum gap of 10cm.
30 Day Warranty
Technical Specifications
  • Manufacturer: KEB
  • Product Model: 09F5C1BLA0A
  • Product Type: KEB COMBIVERT drive inverter
  • Interface: User-friendly with display unit
  • Display Function: Shows operating status
  • Auto Frequency Adjust: Yes
  • Voltage Control: Automatically adjusts at low speeds
  • Overcurrent Protection: Yes
  • Power Circuit: IGBT
  • Standards: IEC1000
  • Protection: Against short circuit, over-voltage, over-current, and excessive temperature
  • Installation: Easily installed, recommended vertical
  • Maximum Height for Installation: 2000 meters
  • Power Reduction: 1% reduction per 100 meters above 1000 meters
  • Cable Arrangement: Power cables and control cables should be laid separately, 10 to 20 cm difference between cables.

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Phone Number: 1-888-551-3082

International: 1-919-443-0207

Fax: 1-919-867-6204

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