The CSH01.1C-PL-NNN-NNN-NNN-L1-S-NN-FW, produced by Bosch Rexroth Indramat, is a high-quality control section, forming a crucial component of drive controllers. The product features an analog input, a RS232 serial interface, and four digital outputs. Control durations vary, with current spanning between 62.5 and 125 microseconds, speed from 125 to 250 microseconds, and positional from 250 to 500 microseconds. Measuring 103mm in width, 241mm in height, and 49.5mm in depth, it requires 7.5 watts of power and a SERCOS cycle time of 250 microseconds. Included are seven to eleven digital inputs, dependent on the connections and accessories utilized. The product, which uses pulse-width modulation, should be operated by qualified personnel and in adherence to national safety regulations. It features a parallel interface module and a beginning lockout safety feature. Not suitable for use in public low-voltage mains serving residential areas due to potential radio interference.
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