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Bosch Rexroth Indramat's CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-MA1-MD1-L2-S-NN-FW is a high-tech control section built for IndraDrive controllers, deployed for motor control in various industry sectors such as machine tooling, food processing, and paper production. Created with a single-axis control application in mind, it includes built-in RS-232 and SERCOS communication, enabling heightened interaction with other devices through serial communication. It equips a modular design, granting easy adjustability to different specifications. Included as standard are four modules: an encoder module, two I/O extension modules (one analog, one digital), and a safety module. The advanced safety feature, the safe torque off, minimizes the risk of accidental machine startups or unexpected torque generation, thereby reducing potential injuries and equipment damage.
30 Day Warranty
Technical Specifications
  • Manufacturer: Bosch Rexroth Indramat
  • Product Code: CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-MA1-MD1-L2-S-NN-FW
  • Product Type: Control Section for IndraDrive Controllers
  • Applications: Commercial and Industrial Motor Control
  • Specific Applications: Machine Tools, Paper Processing Machines, Mounting Systems, Food Machines
  • Design: Single Axis Control
  • Integrated Interface: RS-232 Serial
  • Communication Support: SERCOS Communication
  • Design Feature: Modular
  • Factory-Installed Modules: One Encoder Module, Two I/O Modules, One Safety Module
  • Encoder Module: IndraDyn/Hiperface
  • First I/O Module: Analog I/O Extension Module
  • Second I/O Module: Digital I/O Extension Module
  • Safety Module Feature: Supports Safe Torque Off.

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Phone Number: 1-888-551-3082

International: 1-919-443-0207

Fax: 1-919-867-6204

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