The CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-MD1-L2-S-XP-FW, a high-caliber control section from reputed manufacturers Bosch Rexroth Indramat, is widely sought after in numerous applications such as robotics, machine tools, packaging machines, and printing presses. This single-axis, highly adaptable control unit features adjustable cycle times, allowing for changing current, position, and velocity. It supports advanced encoding interfaces, including IndraDyn, HIPERFACE, 1Vpp, and TTL. It also incorporates standard encoder emulation at the X4 connection point and a digital I/O extension at the X10 port. The unit is suitable for storage in temperatures between -20 and +80 degrees Celsius. Designed to combine with a power section for formation of a drive controller, it operates in ambient temperatures of 0-40 degrees Celsius. The model features 0-4 digital outputs and a standard control panel. Note that the firmware needs to be ordered separately, and usage must comply with manufacturer-specified machinery.

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