The CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-MEM-S2-S-XP-FW is an industry-grade product manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat, a company highly recognized in the field of industrial automation. The product features a standard 1-watt control panel, a SERCOS interface connection module, and requires separately purchased firmware. Furthermore, it contains four digital outputs and a single analog input and boasts of highly efficient 'microseconds' range control timing for current, velocity, and position. This drive controller is noted for its versatility in power and connectivity, making it suitable for various applications including printing machines and food packaging facilities. Additionally, the model has a 6 W IndraDyn/hyperface encoder in the X4 slot, an empty X8 slot, and an encoder emulator in the X10 slot using 2 watts power. With a variable PWM frequency, it guarantees reliable and economical motion control, however, it operates within a specific temperature range. The model is available for worldwide delivery via Servo Supplier within the stated period.
30 Day Warranty
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