The DKS01.1-W100A-RL08-01-FW is a Servo Drive, designed and manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. It is compatible with MDD Digital Servo Motors and is specifically designed for automation applications. It is used in robots, printing and textile machines, electronic gearboxes, among others. The product includes an automatic fault-detection system, which disconnects the power supply if an issue arises. This servo drive is flexible and is designed with slots for a Command Interface Card, Software Module, Auxiliary Plug-in card, and Configuration label. The device operates optimally between 5º to 45º Celsius and uses a Warm type coolant. It provides an internal DC Power Voltage of 24 for smooth brake operation. The optional Motor Holding Brake Function is provided for user safety. The product needs a DLC-ISB-3 Interface Control unit and cable for Single Axis positioning Card setup. Finally, it offers a 3-phase, 230-volt input connection with a current range of 50 to 100 amperes, depending on usage.
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