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The Pacific Scientific SC904-021-01 is a superior single axis servo drive, celebrated for its economical cost, remarkable performance, and moderate power. Designed to synchronize with resolver-equipped brushless three-phase permanent magnet motors, it is perfectly suited for medium to large volume original equipment manufacturer (OEM) applications, but versatile enough to be deployed in end user applications as well. This digital DSP-based control drive is equipped with top-notch features including digital auto-tuning, system and application parameters set via software, advanced sinusoidal current control, and a modular-build enabling user-removable option cards. This servo drive delivers features like an RS-232/485 serial interface, SERCOS fiber optic multiaxis interface, and possesses field-upgradable drive software. It operates on 230V 3 phase 50/60Hz input, providing a peak output of 30A and 9kW, and a steady output of 15A, 4.5kW three-phase, or 2.3kW single-phase.

30 Day Warranty
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