The MHD095B-058-PG1-AN is a synchronous motor created by Bosch Rexroth Indramat under the MHD series, equipped with a digital servo feedback system with integrated multiturn absolute encoder. It possesses a winding code of 058, a 22Nm holding brake, and a plain shaft with a fitted sealing ring. The product is designed for natural convection or surface cooling, with power output on the A side, and measures 095 in motor size and B in length. The motor’s parameters are determined by three cooling and temperature settings: Natural 60K, Natural 100K, and Surface 60K/100 - influencing factors such as continuous current and torque at standstill. Other constant parameters include characteristic motor speed, peak current, torque constant, voltage, winding resistance, and winding inductivity. The motor has 4 pole pairs. Operational conditions stipulate a maximum setup height of 1000 above MSL, and an ambient temperature of 0°C to 40°C. Users should refer to the manual for proper installation and environmental conditions for safe usage.
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