Produced by renowned manufacturer, Bosch Rexroth Indramat, the R911272518 (MDD093C-N-020-N2M-130PA0) is a high-quality AC servo motor, adept at powering automated systems across various sectors. This exceptional model has a theoretical torque capacity of 60.6 Nm, a maximum current consumption of 96.5 A, and features an integrated multiturn encoder for accurate motor feedback. Rated at balance class N, it can be comfortably installed at altitudes of up to 1000 meters above sea level.
The R911272518 (MDD093C-N-020-N2M-130PA0) operates with a constant torque of 19.5 Nm while using a continuous current of 21.4 A, and is designed to function optimally at a speed of 2000 revolutions per minute. This 22-kilogram motor is equipped with a 6.1 mH winding inductance, a moment of inertia of 42 x 10-4 kgm2, and a winding resistance of 0.56 ohms, resulting in a thermal time constant of 50 minutes. It utilizes both natural and surface cooling methods to maintain an optimal working condition. To protect against overload damage, a temperature sensor is fitted within the motor's windings. Lastly, it meets IP 65 protection standards and is configured with a class F insulation rating for exceptional performance in diverse conditions.
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