The R911341810 (MSK101C-0450-NN-M2-BG0-RNNN) is a high-quality synchronous servomotor produced by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. It features a windings code of 450 and operates optimally within specified radial force parameters. The product is equipped to handle various drive elements including couplings and pinions, but extreme care should be taken with rigid couplings to avoid bearing and shaft overload. The design requires no liquid around the output shaft and is compliant with cUL and EAC certifications. Additionally, the servomotor's type must align with machine design and attachment specifications.
The R911341810 (MSK101C-0450-NN-M2-BG0-RNNN) is equipped with a temperature sensor that offers maximum protection against damage from thermal overload. The sensor acts decisively, shutting down the motor unit if the temperature rises to 150°C, with its functioning being monitored by a drive controller. The motor handles transportation between temperatures of -20°C and 80°C. Rigorous mechanical tests are carried out to check the axial runout of the flange surface in relation to the shaft. The product package includes a year of backup support from Servo Supplier. Overall, while providing excellent performance, the device highlights safety and operational stability.
30 Day Warranty
Technical Specifications
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