The Bosch Rexroth Indramat's CSH01.1C-SE-EN1-EN2-MA1-NN-S-NN-FW is a single-axis control section for use in high-performance drive systems, specifically in food processing, packaging, printing, and paper processing machines. It includes a drive controller composed of a control section and power section. With a Resolver and HSF encoder interface, it is suitable for encoders with supply voltages of DC 8V or AC 18.2V peak-peak and a standard encoder evaluation interface for 5V encoders. It also supports sin-cos and square-wave encoders. Communication is facilitated via the SERCOS bus system using fiber optic cables. The control section includes an Analog I/O extension for increased analog channels and better resolution. Other features include a single-line display, four functional keys, and mandatory measures for interference suppression when used in residential areas.

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