The Bosch Rexroth Indramat's CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-NNN-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW is a control section intended for single-axis control applications. It utilizes a power section that supplies 24 Volts DC power. The power consumption depends on the control section and the modules installed but typically averages at 7.5 Watts, excluding the IndraDyun encoder module and the analog I/O extension module that consume 6 Watts and 2 Watts respectively. The unit also features a safety module which allows safe torque off (STO) functionality. It offers a vacant slot 2 for potential addition of a module. The product conveniently mounts vertically and measures 241 x 103 x 49.5 millimeters. It features spring terminals and screw terminal blocks for connections, with Bosch recommending wire ends without ferrules. The unit notably lacks a master communication port.

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