The R911230958 (TDM 1.2-100-300-W1-220/S100) is a servo drive module engineered by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. To be paired with the appropriate motor within its range, it utilizes a MOD plug-in programming module. The product comes with a rating-plate attached and a reset button at the top of its front panel. Installation and maintenance should be handled by trained professionals. The unit is intended for operation within a specified temperature range of 5°C to 45°C and should not be installed directly below any heat-producing components. The system allows for vertical parallel connection of multiple units. It requires a clearance of a minimum of 80mm above and below the control cabinet where it is secured, using an M6-DIN 912 cheese-head screw with a hexagonal recessed hole.
The module carries a weight of 10.5kg and features an IP 10 protection class as per the DIN 40 050 standard. The device houses a cooling fan with a voltage connection rating of 220VAC and power consumption of 30VAC. Ideally designed to cater to low and medium power ranges, an incorporated TS LED in red is installed to monitor the temperature, with flash signals indicating high temperature thresholds leading to automatic shutdowns. It is also known by its alternative MPN, R911236511.
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