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The Bosch Rexroth Indramat VSP16.1BKE-1G0NN-C1C-AN-NN-FW is a PC-based operator terminal from the VSP series. It features a front panel with IP 65 protection rating and a rear-side with IP 10 rating. The front panel is equipped with a 12-inch TFT display which supports 600 x 800 resolution and 256,000 colors, and is accompanied by 16 machine function keys. The backside houses the power input sockets, various interface connections (PS/2 for keyboard and mouse, external VGA, parallel and serial interfaces, two USB and an Ethernet interface), and 6 PCI card connections. The terminal accepts AC input ranging from 90 to 264 Volts and operates optimally at 5 to 45 degrees Celsius temperature, with a maximum temperature gradient of 3°C per minute, up to an altitude of 2000 meters. It is powered by a 2 GHz Intel Celeron processor and offers 1GB RAM with 20GB storage. Its installation requires trained personnel.
30 Day Warranty
Technical Specifications
  • Manufacturer: Bosch Rexroth Indramat
  • Product Series: VSP series
  • Front Panel Protection: IP 65
  • Back Panel Protection: IP 10
  • Display Size: 12 inch TFT
  • Touch Support: No
  • Display Resolution: 600 x 800
  • Number of Display Colors: 256,000
  • Front Panel Dimensions: 290 x 250 millimeters
  • Terminal Depth: 256 millimeters
  • Interfaces: PS/2 for keyboard, PS/2 for mouse, external VGA connection, parallel interface, serial interface, two USB interfaces, Ethernet interface
  • Supply Voltage: 90 to 264 Volts AC
  • Input Current at 230 Volts AC: 2.5 Amps
  • Input Current at 115 Volts AC: 5 Amps
  • Inrush Current at 264 Volts AC: 100 Amps
  • Operating Conditions: 5 to 45 degrees Celsius temperature, maximum gradient of 3 degrees Celsius per minute, altitude of up to 2000 meters
  • Processor: Intel Celeron at 2 Gigahertz
  • RAM: 1 Gigabyte
  • Storage: 20 Gigabytes
  • Installation: To be performed by trained personnel.

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International: 1-919-443-0207

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